Each year Dan and I go back and forth about a Christmas tree. I am
adamant about getting a real tree and he is an
advocate for the fake ones. So far we've always gotten a real tree :) We have always gotten our tree from
Menards - no adventures to the tree farm, but it gets the job done. This year Dan was headed to
Menards with the truck and I entrusted to him the task of picking out a tree. When he got home and I saw the tree he had picked, our conversation went something like this...
"Ok...were the trees pretty picked over?"
"No, they had a ton of them."
"And this is the best you could find?"
"Really? Can you see that it is shaped like the moon?"
"It's fine, just turn that side toward the window."
"I don't think that is going to help, but I'll try..."
In the end we got the tree standing up straight with only two bricks on the stand to help balance it. And when we cut the netting off there were no big bare stops. The tree only took a day to grow on me and now I think that it is one of the best ones we've had.