Friday, July 25, 2008

4 years

It's been a while since we last blogged and I feel like there is some catching up to do.

On Thursday Dan and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary by driving 2 hours to go see and buy a tractor - fun, fun (at least Dan thought so :) To his credit we did have a date night earlier in the week while my sister Rachel was still here and watched Rebecca for us. Here's the new tractor, an IH 1086.

After about 6 weeks in the states Rachel has returned to Nicaragua. We will miss you and thank you for all the fun times! Here is Rebecca and Rachel on the South Haven pier.

A few weekends ago we went camping at Lake Rathbun with friends Eric, Val, Scott, and Chelsea. We had nice weather and Rebecca did pretty well for her first camping experience.

Finally, last weekend we enjoyed an Iowa Cubs game with Dan's coworkers at First State Bank. We had a great view from an outfield sky box and a personal visit from Cubbie.


  1. i never did wish you a happy anniversary. so, happy anniversary. thanks for housing, feeding and giving me all your money and cool stuff.


  2. Happy Anniversary too.
    Tell Rachel I like her white shirt!
