What a nightmare!! Anyone who has removed wallpaper knows what I'm talking about. I didn't think that it would really be that bad because I knew that the wallpaper was only about 10 years old. But I guess it doesn't matter how old it is, it is still GLUED to the wall.
Here is an official BEFORE picture of our kitchen. I know that it is not that bad. But we really want to update it and brighten up the space. The biggest things are the beat up linoleum floor and the "older than me" appliances. But why stop there? We are also planning on painting
cabinets, replacing the hardware, and getting a new counter top - bye bye fake butcher block!
To start, I bought a wallpaper scorer and the blue striper gel. We had a scraper from previous drywalling projects. Those are really the only tools you need in addition to A LOT of muscle.
Here is the main wall of paper that needed to be removed. Those are little roosters on the wall.
At this point I was cursing the previous owners for puting up the paper and rubbing my aching shoulders. I might add that the next day I could not raise my arms above my head without massive pain!
I might add that removing wallpaper is a very messy job. It would be nice if it all came off in long strips, but that would be too easy. The floor where I was working was covered with tiny pieces of paper. As Rebecca watched me, she told me that I had to sit on the naughty bench for making such a big mess. But she finally let me off the hook because I told her that I would make sure to clean up all my mess.
But at last, a few days later it was done and the spotty paint job underneath was revealed. Next up - painting the ceiling and walls and getting the cabinets ready for a coat of paint. (No promises on when the next post will be!)