Yes, another snowday (half snowday) for me. I got out of school early and thanks to Dan we have a new and faster internet provider and I can finally blog again. We've all been staying busy lately.
Dan has been working really hard in the basement and we have the large livingroom and hallway textured and we hope to prime and paint in the next few days at which time we will post some more pictures.
Rebecca has been busy trying new kinds of foods. This weekend she had sweet potatoes for the first time and loved them. I'm sure she also likes what a nice orange mess they make!
This morning I brought to daycare a few jars of applesauce for Rebecca to have. She doesn't sleep very much in the mornings anymore so I thought a nice snack in the a.m. would help her. I thought a jar would last 2 or 3 days, just a few ounces at a time. This morning she ate a whole jar! I guess we need to get used to the idea that our little girl is growing up and needs some more real food to keep her going :)
I just took these pictures of Rebecca in her overalls because she just looks so cute in them. They reminded me of another picture I remembered seeing. Can you see the resemblance?
I think Rebecca is happy to look just like her daddy!
And finally, I've been staying busy at school with getting to know my students after being gone for so long. I've actually had to take some work home with a few nights. Next week is parent/teacher conferences so I'm getting ready for those as well as writing report cards. Another snow day tomorrow would be greatly appreciated!