This was obviously Rebecca's first Christmas and I think she enjoyed it pretty well. She actually took an interest in the presents and helped unwrap a few. She especially loves her new toys that talk and play songs.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Hey Buster! No, it's a hay buster.
Do I need to apologize for not including pictures of our child this week? I am sure many of you log on just to see Rebecca and not see the exciting happenings on the farm. Christmas pictures will be posted someday. Stay tuned.
Monday, December 17, 2007
C. To keep from getting their noses in the wrong places, like you know where
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ice, Ice, Baby
That pretty much sums up the last two days. Monday into Tuesday we had an ice storm. Dan stayed home from work on Tues. and we stayed huddled inside trying to stay warm - literally. We lost power for nearly 12 hours. Rebecca didn't seem to notice much, but she did seem a little more cranky at night - probably confused by it being dark at 5pm and by all the candles all over the house. The roads weren't too bad by 6pm so we decided to leave the cold house and go out to eat and do a little shopping. Just after we got back home, around 9:00 pm, the power came back on. I was so thankful because I was not looking forward to trying to sleep with Rebecca in our bed. Hope this finds all of you warm as well.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
For Thanksgiving we traveled to Orange City to be with my family. It was the first time since last Christmas that we had all been together. Rachel was home from Nicaragua and finally got to meet Rebecca.
Whenever my family gets together we like to take a family picture - it's great to see the new additions year after year!
Since this was Rebecca's first Thanksgiving we thought we would have a little fun. Here she is with my mom's 19 pound turkey. Rebecca is only tipping the scales at 14 pounds.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rebecca's latest craze is trying to fit her whole fist into her mouth. It's pretty cute except that she makes a slobbery mess of herself. I don't know what it is about cold slobbery hands and cheeks, but I just can't deal with it. I'd take the dirtiest diaper over massive drool any day.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
All Smiles
Here are a few pictures to keep you updated. Rebecca is smiling all the time now and almost on command. Just make sure she is in a good mood, usually after eating, and give her a big smile and she will smile right back!
This past weekend we drove up to Orange City to visit my parents. This was Rebecca's first road trip and she did really well in the car. Both on the way there and on the way back she slept soundly. It messed up her sleep schedule a little, but she got back on track soon enough. We had a great visit and Grandpa loved sitting and reading to his two youngest grandkids.
Thanks to two of my fellow ISU grads - Jen and Beth, Rebecca is decked out in her ISU gear ready to cheer on the Cyclones to another win. She makes a pretty cute fan!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just for Fun
Just hanging out in my swing. Can someone please get me the remote?
Mom has been working really hard at getting me to smile - sometimes I cooperate.
I can sleep just about anywhere and any time.
This is my new big toy except I have no idea how to use it. My feet don't touch the bottom and my arms don't even reach the toys. I think mom just likes to spin me around and laugh at me.
Just a note to all my fans: I'm almost 2 months old now. I weigh 11 pounds and 7 ounces. I'm 21 inches long. And I only cried a little when I got my shots...ok...I cried a lot, with a little screaming.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Lazy Days
Tummy time is not Rebecca's favorite time of the day, but I love to see how strong she is getting and how much she can turn and hold her head up. She likes to be on her boppy pillow more than just flat on the floor. What beautiful eyes!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hairy Days
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Covenant Blessings
The main event for the weekend was Rebecca's baptism at our church on Sunday night. My dad, who is a minister and also baptized me, was able to baptize Rebecca. It was a significant family time, but more importantly a time to signify that Rebecca is a member of God's covenant and one of his children.
The baptismal gown that Rebecca is wearing was made by my dad's grandmother. It is 61 years old, wore by my father and myself. Rebecca is 15th child to wear it. What an amazing family tradition to show that our God is a God to us and our children after us and throughout all generations.The Pontier family (except for Rachel of course).The De Vries family.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
English proverb
Do you agree with this English proverb?
-The absent are always wrong.-
To me it depends much on the situation. At first I agreed with it completely thinking that if you don't appear at a meeting to voice your opinion then you are choosing to keep quiet and allow others to be right. Though I also believe in the saying, "it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" Sammuel Clemmens (Mark Twain).
What do you think?
Monday, October 1, 2007
1 Month Already!
Sleeping beauty.
One month old.
Bath time fun - she is starting to enjoy bath time a little more. She didn't scream at all this time!Monday, September 24, 2007
A Few Firsts
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Birth Announcement
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Bouncy Seat
This is the first and only time I've ever caught Rebecca with her thumb in her mouth. Most of the time she tries to stick her whole fist in there with little success.
A few days ago I was working in the kitchen and could hear Rebecca fussing and grunting, but didn't want to leave what I was doing. She quieted down quickly and when I checked on her I found this. I guess she was able to find a comfortable position on her own. Resting peacefully. She almost always had her tongue out while sleeping.Every now and then she enjoys her Soothie. She is even pretty good and holding in it her month.
Just a side note. Today, September 10, was my official due date for Rebecca, but we can't even imagine the last 11 days without her!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
More of Rebecca
Rebecca weighed in at 7 pounds and 11.8 ounces.
Our first family photo.
Rebecca's first bath.Although she did have a rough start to life and was bruised up, you'ld never know it by this picture - she's a sleeping beauty.