Monday, January 7, 2008

Just a few updates

Here is Rebecca playing away in her exersaucer. The buttons she has her hands on plays animal sounds, says the animal name in English and Spanish, and then plays a clip of a classical song. She is much more coordinated with her right hand and because of that her first word might just be "lion." If you look closely, you'll see her upper lip and chin are quite wet. She has had a little cold again and is drooling all the time. When she leans forward to play it's like turning on a faucet! But she is still always happy :) We are both adjusting to life with teaching and daycare. I still feel a little lost in my classroom at times, but I'm making progress each day. I'm pretty sure Rebecca is enjoying daycare and the entertainment of the other kids. I have to go a feed her every day during my lunch break, which is hectic, but I enjoy seeing her and she loves seeing me if only to fill her tummy :)

Dan has been making a lot of progress in the basement. Here is a picture of him next to the stairs. He built shelves for storage under the stairs and the openings will be covered with cupboard doors. He is standing in the doorway to the utilities and future bathroom. This picture was only taken a week ago, but it's already outdated. He has finished the sheetrock and mudded all the seams. The reason for the different shades of green is that we are using mildeow resistant sheetrock and each trip to Menards for another load was a slightly different shade of green.


  1. Doesn't the Mr. Sunshine in the background of Rebecca's picture look ominous? Or is it more of a guardian angel watching her?

  2. I think Rebecca's cheeks got even cuter and chubbier since I recentlly saw her!! :) CUTE!


  3. Its great that Rebecca is learning English and Spanish, but add French so she can visit us in Canada.

  4. OK, I understand everyone focusing on Rebecca -- she's the cute one. But not to forget the efforts of others: good work on the basement, Dan! Keep it up!!
