This spring I decided to freeze brand my cows. After having several cows loose their tags over the years I wanted to have a permanent number on them. Freezing branding will cause the hair to grow back white. Cow #43 below is a cow born on Rebecca's birthday. So it is 4 1/2 going to 5 years old this Aug. 31. I know, I know, this is a boring post to most but I am pumped that they turned out well. I give credit to my friend Scott and my neighbor Marv for helping me.
These cows below are just a second and third example of how they look. I anticipate the only challenge to this could be at sorting time when the cows are crowded together and their hindquarters are hidden from view. I choose to leave the number tags in to help with this but they can be ripped or pulled out anytime.
I think that is pretty cool myself - not a boring post - I learned something new today!!! Thanks brother!!