
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Life of a Shelf

I've done a little decorating that I thought I would share. Here is the short life of a shelf.

When I decorated Rebecca's baby room I bought a wooden shelf from Michael's and put a clear coat of varnish on it. It did a great job holding a few of her baby pictures.

When we redecorated her room into a "big girl" room the shelf was taken down and I had no use for it. It got put into the "extra stuff" pile in the basement. This past Christmas I spied the shelf in the basement and thought it would be great for hanging our stockings on. In the past I had hung our stockings from the upright shelf in the living room, but I like to change things up when I decorate for the holidays each year. I have a lot of black frames in the living room so I spray painted the shelf black to coordinate. The "new" black shelf looked great with some greenery, lights, and our stockings. You'll have to take my word for it, because I forgot to take a picture.

After the holidays the stockings came down and the shelf was a great place to display all the cards we received after Blake was born. I loved seeing all those cards which represented all the loving people who celebrated Blake's birth with us. But those too had to come down after about a month.

So then for about 2 weeks the shelf sat empty until I made a trip to the thrift store. There I found 3 picture frames and a milk pitcher. I love that little pitcher! And if you look closely you can see that the frames were each 45 cents - score!

I spray painted the frames black and found some pictures to display. I still want to find some spring flowers to put in the pitcher, but until then, I think it looks great. Little projects like this make me happy :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE EM! You are so crafty! Always able to find a new life for something prior!!
