
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Mother's Day

My first real Mother's Day was very enjoyable. The weekend as a whole was good also. Here is a quite recap. Saturday morning I hit garage sales again, in Prairie City this time. I went with Rebecca and Dan's mom and sisters. We found some great deals and had fun despite a little rain. In the afternoon the women scrapbooked while Grandma watched the girls. At night, all of Dan's family came over to our house for supper. Sunday we went to our church and then to Dan's parents' for lunch. Rebecca barely slept on Saturday, but gave me a Mother's Day present of a 3 hour nap!


  1. Glad you enjoyed your first Mother's Day! The little ones are so much fun, aren't they? :)

  2. Oh for cute! (think minnesotan accent:) Happy mothers day. Love the pictures on the farm too!
