
Friday, October 31, 2008

Our new little addition

No, no, not a sibling for Rebecca, we built a new porch!
I have never been a fan of the front of our house. There is NO curb appeal. Good thing we don't have a curb and most people drive by at 60 mph. This is an area that I have struggled with since we moved in. I've tried replacing all the plants and putting in bricks, but I'm still not very happy with it. I would love someone to come and tell me what to do and what plants would look good.
The porch good is a start to more curb appeal, but it needs a lot more. We used to have concrete steps going up to the front door and sad, mismatched railings. So we made some measurements, went to the store, bought the supplies, and whipped this porch into shape in two days. Dan did most of the work, I just help with a little planning and holding things in place. All it needs is a coat of stain. Rebecca loves it and I like it too because now she can't fall off the edge :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008


I've long been a fan of ChapStick (I hesitate to use the word "addicted" but that might be true also). Back in college I discovered Vanilla Mint Chapstick and there is no going back. I recently ran out everywhere - my purse, my dresser, my desk at work, etc. I have looked in just about every store I'm in to see if they have it with no luck! I finally broke down and bought some Blistex and was only slightly satisfied - still longing for the best. This morning I found Vanilla Mint Chapstick and bought everything they had!! I was in Walmart and found a whole display of Chapstick and they had Vanilla Mint! I was shocked and oh so happy. I now have 4 tubes of Vanilla Mint that I will love every time I use it! I also now have the assurance that the company still makes it.

Hope your day is just as happy :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Rebecca's hair is slowly growing. This my seem insignificant to most, but as her mother and a fan of girly things like barrettes and hair ties, it's exciting to me. Although the barrette looks SO CUTE it really doesn't stay in well because her hair is so thin. I guess I just need patience. I also need to remind myself that when her hair is long enough to put up, it will probably be a constant struggle between the two of us to keep barrettes and hair ties in!

Ready for snow?!? Rebecca thinks she is. The other day she was playing with her boots so I decided to see how her coat fit. A little big, but looks warm!

She is also doing a great job at standing on her own. Still a little timid of taking steps, but we're sure it won't be long.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Last night we had a family outing to the pumpkin patch. Rather then just buy a pumpkin at the store I thought it would be fun to go pick out our own - and it was. Rebecca loved the hayrack ride because it was so bumpy. She can also almost say "tractor."
Dad said she had to find a pumpkin with a green vine and stem. Is this green?
I think she found a keeper.
She really liked the big one until she found one that was more her size. And here we are back at home with our pumpkins.
Ba-Bye for now!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lazy Fall Days

That title is what I wish my days were like lately! They have been the exact opposite. When the weather starts to turn cool I just want to put on a warm sweater and go for a walk or curl up with a good book. But life with a one year old is anything, but relaxing. Rebecca is always on the go, exploring, demanding, and eating! For such a little person, she sure eats a lot. There are a few quiet moments here and there. The other day I got out this chair and Rebecca just loved it!It's the season for apples and we've made quite a bit of applesauce so far with more buckets to go. It also seems to be the season for weddings. We have a college friend getting married this weekend and we are looking forward to catching up with old friends!